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The Alliance for Cancer Care

The Alliance for Cancer Care completes substantial cancer-fighting technology upgrade

Posted: August 25, 2020

SPOKANE, WA – The Alliance for Cancer Care, comprising Cancer Care Northwest, Kootenai Health and Providence Health Care, formed a regional cancer alliance in 2015, and launched a comprehensive radiation oncology program aimed at integrating services across the entire Inland Northwest.  As of July 30, 2020, The Alliance has successfully completed radiation oncology treatment devices and software upgrades across all clinics in Washington and Idaho, a predominant goal of this healthcare collaboration. 

The Alliance partnered with Elekta, a world-renown provider of the most advanced radiation treatment systems, to upgrade its entire radiation treatment platform with new linear accelerators capable of delivering the most advanced radiation treatment options available in the region. The Alliance is the only provider in the region using the Elekta radiation treatment system—the same technology used by the country’s top cancer treatment centers. 

“We now have matched technology at all sites which allows for seamless patient transfers site to site, and the ability to do the latest and most up-to-date treatments at all locations,” says Dr. Aaron Wagner, The Alliance for Cancer Care Medical Director.

The Alliance members partnered with Elekta to bring a set of treatment solutions that deliver the following benefits for patients:

  • More precise treatments: Elekta provides the latest in 3D imaging at the time of treatment, enabling improved treatment accuracy. In addition, 4-dimensional monitoring can be performed to account for potential motion during treatment;
  • Safer approaches: Ultra-low dose imaging capabilities minimize unnecessary radiation exposure, helping to minimize the side effects of radiation therapy;
  • Reduced treatment time: This new system typically reduces the time required for radiation therapy sessions to five minutes or less –a significant decrease compared to conventional machines;
  • Customizable options and improved accuracy: The treatment machine is equipped with customizable tools that enable unique treatments for most cancer types. 

“We understand that cancer isn’t one-dimensional,” says Dr. Aaron Wagner. “The Alliance offers a broad approach to treatment that includes the most complete set of treatment options in the region. All of this translates to a more comfortable and efficient treatment experience for our patients.” 

For more information on The Alliance and available treatment options, visit allianceforcancercare.org


About The Alliance for Cancer Care

The Alliance for Cancer Care, a collaboration between Providence Health Care, Kootenai Health and Cancer Care Northwest, brings together the region’s leading cancer care professionals, backed by the most advanced cancer-fighting technology available. Patients receive comprehensive, personalized radiation oncol¬ogy services at Alliance member locations throughout the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Together, The Alliance ensures patients have the best physicians and nurses, enhanced quality and improved outcomes at convenient locations close to home. For more information, visit AllianceforCancerCare.org