(509) 228-1000 WA
(208) 754-3100 ID

Referring Doctors


Cancer Care Northwest Oncologists Dr. Macdonald, Dr Ager and Dr. Gopaluni review patient chart.We know you want the best for your patient. When you refer your patient to Cancer Care Northwest, you assure that he or she has access to the highest level of cancer expertise, the latest treatment options, and some of the most advanced technologies in the Inland Northwest.

The Premier Cancer Care Your Patients Deserve

Here, your patient will have the best weapons to aggressively fight cancer—and the best chances of conquering it.

As our partner and a valued team member, you will receive frequent updates about your patient’s care. After treatment, we’ll transfer your patient back to your care, with thorough information about your patient’s diagnosis and treatment, as well as recommendations for post-treatment care.

In this section, you’ll find quick links to provider bios, details about treatments and technologies, and links to other credible cancer-related websites.

Are you ready to make a referral?

Visit our referral page to find out what we need from you. Call Cancer Care Northwest today at (509) 228-1000 with questions.