Our CCNW Patient Navigator has curated this list of local community resources to assist those in need this Thanksgiving holiday. If you have any questions, or need additional help during the holidays, please contact our CCNW Patient Navigator today.
Elana Stahl, BSW
(509) 228-1819 | elana.stahl@ccnw.net
Toms Turkey Drive - Sign up for a free Thanksgiving meal for your family at the food pantry closest to you. Registration starts November 1st. Dates and times for pick-up vary. https://www.2-harvest.org/toms-turkey-drive-meal-sign-up
Calvary Spokane - Feed up to 12 with a delivered Thanksgiving meal from Calvary Spokane. Deliveries start November 23rd. Register at https://www.calvaryspokane.com/thanksgiving
Spokane Valley Assembly Church - Spokane Valley families can receive a Thanksgiving meal box delivery from Valley Assembly Church. Email cameronmc@valleyassembly.org for more information.
Women and Children's Free Restaurant (1408 N. Washington St. 509-324-1995) - Stop in on November 21st to pick up a fully prepared, family-style meal between 11:00am and 1:00pm. Ready-made dishes include turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, pie and more. An adult female must be present. No registration is necessary.
Hot Meal Sites:
UGM City-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner @ 4:30 - 6:30pm (Spokane Convention Center - 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd.)
Shadle Park Presbyterian @ 5:30pm (5508 N. Alberta St. | 509-327-5522)