(509) 228-1000 WA
(208) 754-3100 ID


Community Resources for the Holiday Season

Posted: November 15, 2023


CCNW Patient Navigators have curated this list of local community resources in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho to assist those in need this holiday season. If you have any questions, or need additional help during the holidays, please contact a CCNW Patient Navigator today.

Pamela Fitch, BSW | (509) 228-1816

Elana Stahl, BSW | (509) 228-1819


  • Memorial Community Center & Preschool Christmas Giving Program (Bonner County, ID) - This program is supported by the generous donations from friends of Memorial Community Center (MCC). These donations provide several families with gifts and toys, and Christmas dinners in cooperation with the Clark Fork Hope Food Bank. This popular program brings a tremendous amount of joy to these families. If you are in need, please complete an online application: https://www.mccinhope.com/giving
  • Santa Express - Celebrating 30 years in 2022, Santa Express is a holiday retail store for all children in the Spokane community. The entirety of proceeds from the store benefit Vanessa Behan, a safe shelter for kids who are in crisis situations. The store, located in the Spokane Valley, is open to young shoppers between the ages of 4 and 12 with gifts ranging in price from only $1.00 to $12.00. The store also offers the availability for adults to shop in a boutique of specialty items perfect for stocking stuffers, gifts for family, friends, or secret Santas. Shop between November 24th – December 22nd. To learn more, please visit https://santaexpress.org/.
  • Toys for Tots – The U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distributes those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. If you have children in need this holiday season, please complete your application by December 8th at the links below:
  • Tree of Sharing - Since 1982, the Spokane Tree of Sharing has ensured the "often forgotten" members of the Eastern Washington community receive a gift each holiday season. Acting in partnership with 57 local agencies, Tree of Sharing provides holiday gifts to those in need. If you would like to request a gift, please contact one of the agencies listed on this webpage: https://www.treeofsharing.org/participating-agencies.


Low Cost or Free Holiday Activities:
  • Kids’ DIY Workshops @ Lowes
  • Kids Holiday Hunt and Coloring Contest – Join us on November 25th from 10:00am – 8:00pm in downtown Spokane for the Holiday Hunt. Pick-up a passport at the downtown STCU branch or print passport online, and use this passport to locate characters at various businesses in the downtown area. Completed passports will be entered to win a grand prize drawing, a downtown family fun pack, on 12/20/23. For complete details, please visit https://downtownspokane.org/event/stcu-kids-holiday-hunt-and-coloring-contest/2023-11-25/.
  • Lighting Ceremony Parade in Downtown Coeur d’Alene - The Coeur d’Alene Downtown Association is pleased to announce the 31st Annual Lighting Ceremony Parade, on November 24th @ 5:00pm - 7:30pm. Watch as the parade entries light up Sherman Avenue as they bring the holiday spirit with the theme “A Coeur d’Alene Holiday Vacation” to Downtown CDA with marching bands, dancing, music, and festive floats! Learn more at https://cdadowntown.com/cda-events/lighting-ceremony/.
  • Manito Park Holiday Lights – Manito Park has long been one of the best destinations in Spokane to see amazing holiday lights. Every holiday season, The Friends of Manito organization decorates the park with thousands of lights, Christmas decorations and other beautiful ornaments. Visitors can tour the lights by drive-through in their car, or by a walking tour through Manito Park. The route begins at the Park Bench Café and winds its way through the Rose Garden, across the rock-arch bridge and finally finishes on 21st Avenue. The lights of Manito during the holiday season are some of the best holiday lights in the city of Spokane!

2023 Manito Holiday Lights Schedule:

  • Driving Tours: December 9th-10th / 6:30-9:30 pm
  • Walking Tours: December 11th - December 20th / 6:30-9:30 pm
  • Mobile Santa Food Drive by CDA Fire Dept – December 17th – 23rd, Santa Claus is coming to downtown CDA in a big red fire engine covered in thousands of holiday lights. Santa and members of the Coeur d’Alene Firefighters Local 710 will be around town collecting food and cash donations for the food bank. For more details and to view the CDA Fire Santa tracker, visit City of Coeur d'Alene - Mobile Santa Food Drive (cdaid.org).
  • Numerica Tree Lighting Celebration @ Riverfront Park – On November 25th from 4:00 – 7:00pm, Riverfront Park will host its annual tree lighting ceremony. Tree lighting countdown begins at 6:00pm.
  • Santa Arrives at River Park Square - Santa Claus returns this holiday to Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane at his place in front of a show-stopping 50-foot tree. Celebrate Santa’s arrival on Friday, November 18, 2023, with family festivities from 1:00 – 5:00pm and Santa's arrival and tree lighting at 5:00pm. Additional holiday happenings are planned at River Park Square, including pet photos, Blitzen Bash, and sensory-friendly Santa photos to name a few. Learn more @ https://www.riverparksquare.com/events/holidays2023.
  • Story Time at the Looff Carrousel – Join us in the Looff Carrousel party room at Spokane's Riverfront Park at 11:00 a.m. for Story Time every third Friday. Story Time at the Carrousel is a free early literacy activity designed to spark and engage the young imagination with stories, songs, and preschool activities. $1 Carrousel rides are offered to those who attend. Recommended for ages 2-5. Dates: November 17, 2023, at 11:00am, December 15, 2023, at 11:00am.
  • Winter Glow Spectacular - Since 2014, the Town of Liberty Lake near Spokane has been hosting its annual Winter Glow Spectacular holiday lights event. The event is completely free, making it a great holiday light destination for you and the whole family! Located at Orchard Park, Liberty Lake, running November 18, 2023, through January 1, 2024. Learn more @ https://winterglowspectacular.com/.


Food Insecurity:
  • Second Harvest Food Bank – A network of partner food pantries and meal sites provide fresh, healthy, and free food throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Visit https://2-harvest.org/food-near-me-wa/#foodmap to locate a Second Harvest food panty near you.
  • Christman Bureau - The Christmas Bureau is an annual holiday assistance program coordinated by Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Volunteers of America, and the Spokesman-Review.  They provide grocery vouchers and books/toys to families in need throughout Washington and Idaho. To learn more, or register for assistance, please visit https://www.christmasbureauspokane.org/.